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Even the Highest is a Bondage!

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The Niralamba Upanishad is one of the principal Upanishads. ‘Niralamba’ means not founded on anything; not supported by anything; not reachable through anything; not provable through anything; not approachable via anything. That is Niralamba. The simple Truth, the fundamental reality, the only One has been referred to as Niralamba. Words will not take you there if you are not already there. That is Niralamba.

’Ālamba’ means dependence. ’Niralamba’ means not dependent. Do you notice the precise use of words? Even the name is in the negativa. Because ālambana or dependence is what we live in or experience all the time, therefore the very name is the teaching. The Rishis (sages) named the Upanishads as ‘Swalamba Upanishad’, that which depends only on itself? Or any other affirmative or positive name could have been given. But the very name is an act of demolition.

This Upanishad asks direct and simple questions. What else do you expect from the naked kid? Do you expect him to come up with complicated and wise-sounding questions? Look at the questions in the verses. “What is the Sun?” I mean, it’s the Upanishads, right? Or is it the five-year-old kid? Both, sir! Both! What else can a five-year-old ask? The Upanishads are as naked as that.

In this course Acharya ji will discuss the following topics in-depth:

  1. The Eight Limbs of Yoga are Bondage
  2. Religious actions are Bondage
  3. Doubts are Bondage
  4. Fear is Bondage

This course is a commentary by Acharya Prashant on Niralamba Upanishad.


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