*Question: Sir, what does it mean to be a Teacher?*
Answer: Going through Shankar’s works and then a few Upanishads, I am humbled by the pain these teachers have taken to bring the concept to the student.
From these observations, I have tried to learn a few things about the technology of teaching. What does it mean to be a teacher? It means: I am a nobody.It means I cannot have a characteristic style. It means I cannot carry a particular personality that I feel comfortable in.
I cannot say ‘This is the way I teach’.
I cannot say ‘I will not touch these texts or pay respect to your gods.I will not even refer to them. It doesn’t matter that these texts and gods run through the very fibre of your mind.’
I cannot say ‘I will not borrow from other teachers’.
I cannot say ‘You will have to rise up to me to understand me. If I make my language simpler I would be guilty of apostasy.’
I cannot say ‘It is no good to laugh because my message is deep and my motive is serious.’
I cannot say ‘I will not make you cry because that would be violence.’
I cannot say ‘I will not compromise on my own values for the students’ sake.’
I cannot say ‘The Truth is absolute and I will not corrupt it by putting it in words.’
I cannot say ‘The Truth is the prerogative of those with intelligence and I do not care whether most people understand me or not.’
I cannot say ‘You can attain to the Truth only if you drop the mind.’
I cannot say ‘The mind is your enemy. At best, it is a deception.’
I cannot say ‘I will tell you that everything is false. As for the Truth, nothing can be said.’
I cannot say ‘Why are you asking for my hand? Just get up and start walking. The power and the Truth is within you.’
I cannot say ‘All those who seek support are ignorant. All those who offer support are malevolent.’
Based on my interactions on various e-media.
Dated: 11th October,’11